Coastal home decor is as popular as ever, with more and more people incorporating the beach style into their home.
Many happy memories are made on the coast... with most people holidaying on the beach or day trips to the coast, this theme of home decor will keep the memoires alive!
We have come up with a few ideas for DIY coastal accessories that will perfectly suit with your beach style home furniture.
1. Make a memory jar... On our recent trip to Clearwater in Florida while the boys were away jet skiing the girls and I sat in the waves collecting little shells. We gathered them together, dried them off and put them is a simple glass jars.

2. Collect small driftwood pieces you find on your travels and set them casually around, grouped together with candles, jars or other home decor accessories. From a more local beach I lifted this small piece from below the sand dunes, I like the natural shape and it complements my lamp table perfectly. Driftwood is perfect colour and finish for coastal furniture

3. A photograph from a family holiday. Choose an old frame and sand it down really well to give it a weathered look typical of the coast..

4. A piece of rope curled... set on its own or under books, candles or home decor piecec, adds interest and height as well as a little texture to the room.

Article by Leah Matthews
Interior Designer at The White Lighthouse
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